Digital Marketing Strategies

There is a big difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing, the difference being that digital marketing is marketing that is done on the internet through the use of E-tools such as social networking, rich media and blogs. Traditional marketing is mostly accomplished through newspapers, billboards and word of mouth.Digital marketing is superior to traditional marketing in many ways such as it gives you a level playing field, provides greater exposure to new customers and it is relatively cheaper than traditional marketing.

Integrated Marketing is the attempt to create a seamless and smooth experience for consumers to connect with a brand. This type of marketing attempts to blend different aspects of marketing communication such as advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion and public relations.

Marketing on social media is necessary for any business. A customized page tab give you the advantage to offer exclusive information to followers. A personalized page tab can be used to promote registration for upcoming events or discussions and attract more followers.This has been demonstrated by businesses which offer a discount which then influences the engagement for that page. Businesses are likely to experience a 40% increase in activity.

In regard to marketing through Email, having a subject line that triggers curiosity can dramatically increase the Email open rate. It is important that the subject line is relevant to your audience and honest, otherwise this marketing technique will fail. The Email itself has to be professional and concise with a bit of personality to it.

Paid advertising on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook is very effective, there are 3 ways to do it which are promoted trends, promoted accounts/pages and promoted tweets/posts. This is very effective reaching people that would be interested in your page as it targets people through those who have shown interest in that area.

Marketing through Google Adverts is an excellent idea, Google Adverts gives you an edge on the competition as it puts a business above the search results. Google Adverts also doesn’t charge you unless a possible consumer has gone onto your website.

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